
[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 45, p. 31

Neck Amphora; Late Geometric. Brann L 2. Well. Amphora; Late Geometric. Young XI 1. I.L.N., Oct 13, 1939, p. 648, fig. 5. Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 116, inv. 821. CVA Mannheim 1, pl. 2, 4. B.S.A., XII, 1905-1906, ... Agora 8 31 P 13767 P 5423 P 12105 P 8216 P 23888 P 21707 P 7492 P 5422 P 6401 P 4990 P 25630 P 25644 P 24032 V 24:2 F 12:2 S 18:1 D 12:3 N 11:6 P 7:3 D 11:5 G 12:24 G 12:19 J 14:5 J 15:1 ... 3rd quarter of 8th B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 48, p. 34

J.H.S., LXXI, 1951, pl. 39, a. Banded Amphora. Well. Banded Ware. Banded Trefoil Amphoriskos. B.S.A., LII, 1957, pl. 3. Brann G 38. Brann H 50. Brann L 6. Brann F 43. Brann K 2. Young C 146. Banded and ... Agora 8 34 P 12445 P 20731 P 26242 P 23465 P 3469 P 21578 P 12119 P 12444 L 18:2 R 10:5 Q 8:9 R 8:2 I 14:1 P 7:3 S 18:1 ... Late 8th B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 49, p. 35

CVA Copenhagen, 2, III H, pl. 72, 2. Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 97, inv. 327ff., pl. 120. Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 111, inv. 363. Dipylon Master. Young XI 7. Large Oinochoe; Dipylon. Well. Brann I 8. Brann I 4 ... Agora 8 35 P 7320 P 4980 P 25631 P 5882 P 12124 P 532 P 12104 D 12:3 G 12:16 J 14:5 F-G 9-10 S 18:1 H 17:4 ... 3rd quarter of 8th B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 62, p. 48

Skyphos; Subgeometric. Hesperia, XVII, 1948, pl. 80, D 34-35. Well. Young C 46. Ath. Mitt., LXXII, 1957, Beil. 72. Subgeometric Skyphoi. Young D 4. Burial. Brann H 25. Brann F 34. Brann G 24. Small Skyphos; ... Agora 8 48 P 7162 P 10223 P 9005 P 21701 P 23434 P 3621 P 13662 P 20083 P 3645 P 12107 P 20677 P 12110 D 11:5 T 19:3 J 18:8 O 7:12 R 8:2 I 14:1 D 16:3 S 18:1 R 10:5 ... 1st half of 7th B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 69, p. 55

Kados. Cooking Jug. Well. Brann H 59. Pit. Cooking Jug; Round-Bottomed. Cooking Jugs. A.J.A., XXXV, 1931, p. 414, fig. 8. Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 155, inv. 355. Eva T. H. Brann, "Protoattic Well Groups from ... Agora 8 55 P 26492 P 17371 P 12626 P 10669 P 17394 P 10668 P 18532 P 10585 P 8396 P 12116 P 5416 P 25637 P 22731 P 12608 R 17:5 M 11:3 P 7:2 B 14:5 L 18:2 D 11:5 S 18:1 F 12:5 J 14:5 O 12:1 ... 2nd quarter of 7th B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 79, p. 65

Well. Brann L 2. Jahrb., XIV, 1899, p. 191, figs. 48-51. Neck Fragment of Closed Pot; Late Geometric. Jahrb., XIV, 1899, p. 194, fig. 57. Sub-Dipylon Painter. Davison, "Geometric Workshops," p. 67, fig ... Agora 8 65 P 12281 P 26283 P 10227 P 4885 P 7184 P 22435 S 18:1 T 19:3 G 12:12 D 11:5 N 11:5 ... Late 8th B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 80, p. 66

Neck Fragment; Late Geometric. Well. Hesperia, VIII, 1939, p. 260, fig. 16, no. 21. CVA Brussels, Musées Royaux 2, IV B, pl. 3, 12 a, b. Workshop of the Sub-Dipylon Painter. Davison, "Geometric Workshops," ... Agora 8 66 P 12499 P 10621 P 18496 P 15616 P 5732 P 10201 P 12267 P 6082 P 21442 P 13300 Q 18:1 T 19:3 C 18:2 E 16:1 B 14:5 S 18:1 H 8-10 R 9:2 G-H 11-12 ... 725 B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 98, p. 84

J.H.S., XXXII, 1912, pl. XII. Brann H 1. CVA Berlin 1, pl. 16, 1. Wile Style. CVA Athens 2, pl. 2, 1. Schliemann Krater. Fragment of Closed Pot; Middle Protoattic. Nessos Amphora. CVA Berlin 1, pl. 11 ... Agora 8 84 P 25725 P 23774 P 25323 P 4642 P 459 P 25714 P 25327 P 221 P 23449 P 1731 P 26288 P 12268 P 3790 P 26296 H-I 10:1 F-G 12:1 H 17:4 G-H 11-12 R 8:2 H 12:21 S 18:1 A 17:1 ... 2nd quarter of 7th B.C.