[Agora Object] P 13772: Vessel Fragment

From the neck of a large closed pot. At left, a tall narrow plant or tree, made of spirals flanking a stem. At right, what appears to be mane and part of the neck of a horse, right; filling, a swastika ... 12-21 May 1938


[Agora Object] P 5028: Amphora Fragment with Dipinto

Piece from neck and shoulder of large amphora. Dipinto in red paint. Gritty buff clay, slipped. in Fill over Roman floor outside apse of Roman building. Leica PD 1133-32(F 331) ... 12 March 1935


[Agora Object] P 12127: Amphora Fragment

Neck fragment. Glaze bands along top and bottom; a large long-necked bird walks right in figure zone. Dull brownish glaze, much worn and peeled. Geometric well, lower fill, basket 11. Leica, 81-352 PD ... 17 March 1938