[Agora Lot] ΑΡ 34: Geometric Grave at 38-39/Ι

A) 13 March 1947: Stones above Grave (disturbed). B) 13 March 1947: In and about Grave. C) 30 March 1947: Dump from Grave. D) 15 March 1947: Earth above "head" of Grave. E) 15 March 1947: Wall and earth ... 13-30 March 1947


[Agora Deposit] I 18:1: Pit Tomb, Adolescent Inhumation

Eugene Vanderpool ... Rectangular pit, oriented east-west, cut party into filling of Early Protogeometric pit-well (I 18:4), to a preserved depth of about 0.30m. A late Byzantine wall founded below the floor of the grave destroyed ... Middle Geometric I


[Agora Image] 2012.56.0408 (82-393)

Geometric pottery ... AMS Horizontal (normal)


[Agora Image] 2012.51.1213 (XXVII-49)

Geometric grave group ... AMS Horizontal (normal)


[Agora Image] 2000.02.1039 (Slide Sheet: 51:03 Slide Set: 14:14)

Middle Geometric period: offerings from a grave on the West Slope of the Areopagus. Museum case no. 14 ... 1 Jun 2000

[Agora Publication] Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens

American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... Hesperia 17 10.2307_146846 10.2307_146847 10.2307_146848 10.2307_146849 10.2307_146850 10.2307_146851 10.2307_146852 10.2307_146853 10.2307_146873 10.2307_146874 10.2307_146875 10.2307_146876 10.2307_146877 ... 1948

[Agora Publication] Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens

American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... Hesperia 43 10.2307_147374 10.2307_147375 10.2307_147376 10.2307_147377 10.2307_147378 10.2307_147379 10.2307_147380 10.2307_147453 10.2307_147454 10.2307_147455 10.2307_147456 10.2307_147457 10.2307_147458 ... 1974