[Agora Publication] Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens

American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... Hesperia 37 10.2307_147534 10.2307_147535 10.2307_147536 10.2307_147537 10.2307_147538 10.2307_147539 10.2307_147540 10.2307_147541 10.2307_147542 10.2307_147595 10.2307_147596 10.2307_147597 10.2307_147598 ... 1968


[Agora Publication] Commemorative Studies in Honor of Theodore Leslie Shear

American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... Among many other accomplishments, T. Leslie Shear was Director of the American School excavations at the Athenian Agora when they began in 1931. He was also closely involved with excavations at ancient ... 1949