[Agora Publication] Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens

American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... Hesperia 51 10.2307_147743 10.2307_147744 10.2307_147745 10.2307_147746 10.2307_147747 10.2307_147748 10.2307_147749 10.2307_147750 10.2307_147751 10.2307_147752 10.2307_147753 10.2307_147754 10.2307_147755 ... 1982

[Agora Publication] Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens

American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... Hesperia 75 ... 2006


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 29.1, s. 152, p. 113

Cistern. Type 2; Outturned Rim; Hemispherical Profile. Samaria III, no. 5, pp. 259-260, fig. 53:5. Antioch IV, i, no. 55, p. 12, fig. 3:11, pl. II. Dura IV, i, ii, no. 25, p. 5, no. 46, p. 9 and no. 130, ... Agora 29 113 P 16227 P 6292 P 5813 P 20280 O 17:5 N 21:4 E 14:1


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 29.1, s. 336, p. 297

Pithos. Cistern. H.A. Thompson, 1934, E 55, p. 397, fig. 86. Agora 5, p. 14, under F 44. Well. Agora 5, F 44, pp. 14-15, pl. 1. Agora 5, G 88, p. 30, pl. 5. Δελτ 21, 1966, Β' 1, [1968], p. 80, pl. 84:a ... Agora 29 297 P 16259 P 3363 P 398 P 15165 P 11858 P 5659 P 22097 P 19930 P 28601 P 10889 P 17864 P 621 P 12032 P 5813 P 19096 P 20267 P 622 P 4825 H 16:4 N 21:4 H 6:4 F 15:2 N 19:1 D 4:1 E 14:1 D 17:4 ... 140-130 B.C.