
[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-2-28 (pp. 246-247)

Hellenistic Fill at 70/ΛΣΤ. Other. Sherd Containers ... Φ-2 246, 247 Φ 116 SS 6989 Φ 117 SS 6990 Φ 118 SS 6991 Φ 119 SS 6992 Φ 120 SS 6993 Φ 121 SS 6994 Φ 122 SS 6995 Φ 123 SS 6996 Φ 124 SS 6997 Φ 125 SS 6998 Φ 126 SS 6999 Φ 127 SS 7000 Φ 131 SS 7001 Φ 128 ... 166 B.C.


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-2-120

Φ-2 Φ 116 SS 6989 Φ 117 SS 6990 Φ 118 SS 6991 Φ 119 SS 6992 Φ 120 SS 6993 Φ 121 SS 6994 Φ 122 SS 6995 Φ 123 SS 6996 Φ 124 SS 6997 Φ 125 SS 6998 Φ 126 SS 6999 Φ 127 SS 7000 Φ 128 T 1345 Φ 129 T 1346 Φ 130 ... Mar 6 1937

[Agora Publication] Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens

American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... Hesperia 34 10.2307_147017 10.2307_147018 10.2307_147019 10.2307_147020 10.2307_147021 10.2307_147022 10.2307_147023 10.2307_147024 10.2307_147133 10.2307_147134 10.2307_147135 10.2307_147136 10.2307_147137 ... 1965


[Agora Report] 1937 Φ: Section Φ Season of 1937

Eugene Vanderpool ... In antiquity the area included in Section Φ lay outside the Agora proper and were apparently occupied only by houses and small buildings. The earliest period of which any considerable remains were found ... 25 Jan-17 Jun 1937


[Agora Report Page] 1937 Φ, s. 8

Roman Period; Roman House. Well ... 1937 Φ P 9328 T 1345 T 1346 T 1347 Φ:1937.0401:4 N 70784 M 17:1