[Agora Object] T 1981: Standing Draped Hygieia or Isis Hygieia Figurine Fragment

Broken off at neck, hips and behind. Woman wearing a chiron with long overfold and a shawl drawn around her shoulders and knotted in front. Her hands are clasped on front of her and hold small uncertain ... 28 April 1939

[Agora Object] T 1982: Cock Figurine Fragment

Head broken off at neck. Red comb, beak and wattles; white feathers. ADDENDA: White slip feathers, yellow on head and neck, eye and eyebrow outlined in black. Byzantine House III, loose fill. Late Roman ... 29 April 1939

[Agora Object] T 1983: Draped Matrona Figurine Fragment

Head and upper part of body at front preserved. Traces of red glaze; white in eyes. Red clay. House D at south; red sand fill. Leica ... 29 April 1939

[Agora Object] T 1984: Female Mask Fragment

Mouth and chin from a tragic (?) mask preserved. First interpretation: fragment from a large figurine or perhaps a head-vase. Clay gray to brown; buff surface. Well. Container 32. 1110 Leica ... 18 April 1939

[Agora Object] T 1985: Female Mask

Three joining fragments preserve most of face, and the hair at the right and top of tragic mask. Small attachment-hole through hair at lower right. Colors fairly well-preserved. Face white with a large ... 18 April 1939

[Agora Object] T 1986: Mask Fragment

Four joining fragments preserve one eye and the upper part of the head of a mask for tragic pantomime. Head crowned by a round-topped cap. Colors: white for face and cap; black for eyebrows, outline of ... 18 April 1939

[Agora Object] T 1987: Mask Fragments

Four fragments, three joining and one not, preserve some of upper part of face and top of head with cap. Colors not very well preserved. White for flesh and some of hair and part of cap. Black for outline ... 18 April 1939

[Agora Object] T 1988: Mask Fragment

A single fragment broken all around preserves part of chin, mouth, cheek and hair at left side. Traces of white on face and red on hair. Thin white inside. Well. Container 42. 1110 Leica ... 18 April 1939