[Agora Deposit] M 18:2: Fill

Hellenistic Fill at 70/ΛΣΤ. Fill in irregular hollow. Pottery resembles Sullan debris, but lack of late duoviri handles suggests deposit slightly predates the sack. Coins 6 March 1937 #1-#4 ... Late 2nd c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] N 20:6: Cistern at 60/ΙΕ

Cistern at 60/ΙΕ; bell-shaped cistern with a channel 1.65m high and 4.60m long, leading to a dead end against bedrock. This channel runs north with a slight curve to the east and looks as though it was ... Second half of 3rd c. B.C.-Early 2nd c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] P 21:4: Cistern at 53/NE

Cistern at 53/ΝΕ, bottle-shaped, stucco-lined, in the east aisle of the peristyle of Roman House H (courtyard of Greek House G, just west of andron). Lower diameter 2.73m. Homogenous fill all apparently ... Into early 2nd century B.C.


[Agora Deposit] F 16:8: Menon's Cistern and Well

Cistern and well in Marble Worker's House. Coins: 5 August 1968 #1-#6 (#5 and #6 disintegrated. Missing 19/7/1973) 6 August 1968 #1bis-#25 (#5 in Lot 503 not a coin but bronze bits of nail. #6 not a coin ... 325-275 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] C 10:1: Manhole, Channel Mouth 1

Water channel in north part of section, giving access to water system. Channel Mouth 1. Six stamped amphora handles; two-thirds of bowls long-petal ... Late 2nd century-Early 1st c. B.C.


[Agora Deposit] H 16:3: Cistern System

An extensive cistern system on the lower north slope of the Areopagus, south chamber with blind tunnel extending further south (south tunnel); north chamber; drawshaft further north, extends to north tunnel ... Ca. 320-240 B.C.