[Corinth Coin] 2002 3: Coin

NB948 B3 P13, . Record generated from NB catalogue.


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 948, spread 12 (pp. 13 - 14)

13 14 Pg. 13, dark soil of plow marks, 2/4/2002, NB948 B3, dark soil of plow marks, Coin 2002 3 Pg. 13, dark soil of plow marks, 2/4/2002, NB948 B3, dark soil of plow marks, Coin 2002 8 Pg. 14, 3/4/2002, ... 2/4/2002, 3/4/2002


[Corinth Image] digital 2002 0008

End B3 showing plowlines S ... specific view FinePix1400Zoom NB948 B3 P13 ... 2002-04-03 09:57:06+03