[Corinth Basket] NB170 P184

Deposit 170 184 NB170 P184 Byzantine fill in foundation of stoa before Shop XXXI from top of 2nd course from bottom to stereo Robbed wall trench of South Stoa foundation in front of Shop XXXI , to stereo ... 1937/10/22


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 170, spread 96 (pp. 184 - 185)

184 185 Pg. 184, Coins, 22/10/1937, MF 6936, fragment of engraved glass Pg. 184, Coins, 22/10/1937, Object, small bronge triangle thing Pg. 185, Coins, 22/10/1937, C 1937 1701, POLYCHROME WHITE WARE CUP ... 22/10/1937


[Corinth Monument] South Stoa west

The Stele Shrine includes a square-shaped temenos enclosed by a wall, established in the mid-6th century B.C. Inside the temenos, a stele, evidence of burnt offerings, and an offering table are indications ...


[Corinth Image] digital 2014 2676

Byzantine Pottery ... Dellatolas, Petros ... specific view DRAWER 253 Canon EOS 5D Mark II P0 ... 2010-05-22 00:00:00+03