[Corinth Lot] LOT 3217: LT: Pit 1965-1 I(Pemberton group 8)

Original stratum: LT: Area Gamma. Votive deposit west of wall 65, -0.20 to -0.60 m. below top wall 65 ... LT: Pit 1965-1 I(Pemberton group 8)

[Corinth Lot] LOT 3421: LT: fill overlyng party wall between 2 rooms of Building N-O:18-19

Original stratum: LT: Area Gamma: cut 6:1965: East-west Test between walls 71 and 65: Stratum I overlying wall 87-94, -0.22 to -0.45 m. below wall 69 ... NB295 B2 P76 ... NB295 B3 P76 ... NB295 B4 P77

[Corinth Lot] LOT 3417: LT: general fill underlying wall 89

Possibly meaningless; cf. lot 6196 which is deeper and later Original stratum: LT: Area Gamma. Cut 12:1965.Test along wall 89, south along south end wall 71, stratum I, -0.60 to 0.74 m. below wall 65 ... stratum I, -0.60 to 0.74 m.

[Corinth Lot] LOT 3436: LT: Building M-N:19, packing in northwest couch

Original stratum: LT: Area Gamma. Cut 27:1965. Test along east face of wall 96 at its north end, stratum I, -0.82 to -1.07 m. below 102 ... NB295 B6 P130

[Corinth Lot] LOT 3211: MT: Roman Propylon, N-P:19-20, fill behind west end of north foundation

Original stratum: MT: Area Gamma: Cuts 2:1965 10:1965: south of wall 69, west end, test B, stratum II ... MT: Roman Propylon, N-P:19-20, fill behind west end of north foundation

[Corinth Lot] LOT 3423: LT: Building N-O:18, west room, fill under clay surface: couch packing or over couch packing?

Original stratum: LT: Area Gamma: cut 6:1965: E-W test between walls 71 and 64, Section B, Stratum II, -0.34 to -0.54 m. below 69 ... NB295 B6 P78