[Corinth Basket] Nezi Field, context 5353: 3 stone N-S running wall

Cut 1101 5353 0 Structure materials: limestone, rough cut. Material size: 0.33 m W x 0.25 m H x 0.30 L l. Material finish: roughly hewn. Material construction: rough face, random, uncoursed. Material bonding: ... 2008/05/05 ... 265.85-263.5E, 1040.45-1041.6N

[Corinth Basket] Temple E, Southeast, context 1085: Packed gravel floor, NE unpaved courtyard, unit 1

Deposit 1112 1085 Context 1085 Coarse sand with lime, fine rounded pebbles (10%), shells, ceramics, charcoal (< 5mm) Top slope of the context is slight down to the E. The soil color is light yellowish ... 14th c. AD ... Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Central Area | Temple E, Temenos | Temple E