[Corinth Basket] Sacred Spring west, Geometric terrace packing, west of wall A-D, mixed: Geometric terrace packing, west of wall A-D, mixed

Deposit Lot XXXX-6343 Geometric terrace packing, west of wall A-D, mixed reddish stone fill Geometric terrace packing, west of wall A-D, mixed reddish stone packing Trench 4 ... 1970/04/22;1970/04/30 ... Geometric terrace packing, west of wall A-D, mixed reddish stone fill ... Geometric terrace packing, west of wall A-D, mixed reddish stone packing ... Trench 4


[Corinth Basket] NB955 B50 P114

Basket/zembil 955 50 114 dark brown coarse silt, loosely packed, small amount of pottery, some small stones, 2%, foundation trench for wall 131 ... 2003/04/07 ... loosely packed, small amount of pottery, some small stones, 2%, foundation trench for wall 131

[Corinth Basket] Glauke West, context 43: Fill in robbing trench for wall 41

Deposit 1102 43 0 Loosely packed coarse sand with 30% small to large pebbles Top slope of the context is slight down to the N. The soil color is dark brownish black. The soil compaction is loose. It is ... 2008/11/26 ... stones for the wall were ... Loosely packed coarse sand with 30% small to large pebbles ... Fill of robbing trench for wall 41. I has a

[Corinth Basket] Nezi Field, context 5195: Robbing trench for lintel stone

Cut 1101 5195 0 The context shape in plan is rectrangular. Excavation of fill 5181 revealed a cut in the N-S wall possibly made to rob out a lintel block ... 2008/04/11 ... Robbing trench for lintel stone

[Corinth Basket] Glauke West, context 33: Glauke W., N. trench, W. extension, hard-packed fi

Deposit 1102 33 0 70% medium to large pebbles, small to large cobbles, tile frgts. Top slope of the context is slight down to the S. The soil color is dark brownish grey. The soil compaction is hard. The ... 2008/11/19 ... 33 concentrated in the north quarter of the trench ... line of stones revealed by

[Corinth Basket] Nezi Field, context 5522: Cut for failed robbing trench for wall 5519

Cut 1101 5522 0 The context shape in plan is irregular. The top break of the cut is sharp. The sides of the cut are vertical. The break at the base of the cut is sharp. The base of the cut is flat. A cleaning ... third quarter of the 13th ... Robbing trench

[Corinth Basket] Glauke West, context 32: Glauke west, N. trench, west extension: hard-packe

Deposit 1102 32 0 60% cobbles, pebbles Top slope of the context is slight down to the E. The soil color is dark reddish brown. The soil compaction is hard. The soil is poorly sorted. It is coarse sand ... 2008/11/19 ... Glauke west, N. trench, west extension: hard-packe

[Corinth Basket] Glauke West, context 6: Glauke west, south trench N-S wall 6

Cut 1102 6 0 Structure materials: Large fieldstones, a few tiles. Material size: 0.10-0.30 m.. Material finish: unworked. Material construction: random course, fair face. Material bonding: no bonding material ... 2008/11/07 ... Glauke west, south trench N-S wall 6