[Corinth Basket] NB133 P116

Deposit 133 116 NB133 P116 Boxthrown NB133 P116 Area near well K2 (South Stoa) mixed levels From area near Well K2 (South Stoa Shop XXXIII),mixed levels ... 1933/05/03

[Corinth Basket] NB135 P94

135 94 1 in. below modern surface ... 1933/05/03

[Corinth Basket] NB133

Deposit 133 NB133 P099 NB133 ca. P119 From pit dug below stylobate at beta-Z:1-5 (colonnade with Archaic cols.) down to concrete layer (plan p. 54) Provenance unclear Not entered in notebook ... 1933/04/25

[Corinth Basket] NB133 P117

Deposit 133 117 Area of Fallen Cistern, ca. 1.00 m. above stylobate (S. Stoa?) ... 1933/05/04

[Corinth Basket] NB133 P119

Deposit 133 119 Area nu-omega:18-30, south of Temple F to fallen cistern, from 0.50 m. below stylobate level Exact provenance unknown. Not in NB, only in FIB NB133 P119 ... 1933/05/05

[Corinth Basket] NB135 P105

Deposit 135 105 South section west side 2.00 to 2.70 m. deep South section, west side 2.00 to 2.70 m. deep ... 1933/05/05

[Corinth Basket] NB135 P106

Deposit 135 106 South section, west of Trench VIII, ca. 3 m. NW of amphora nest and slightly higher than marble floor of shop (i.e., should be south of shops IV-V ?) ... 1933/05/06

[Corinth Basket] NB135 P108

Deposit 135 108 From fill south of Southeast Building. Points Q-R:6-9, at bottom of wall. Typed in part from inventory book, in part from FIB 607, no. 24. Found further south (presumably of Terracotta ... 1933/05/06