Q 21:4Well in Room 7 of Roman House H23 July 19716th c. A.D. 
P 6:7Amphora Dump20 May 1971 15 June 1971Early Hellenistic 
R 11:2Well East of Stoa Room 65-9 May 1950600-550 B.C. 
B 19:8Pit in House N Room 414 October 1947Late 4th. c. B.C. into early 3rd c. B.C. 
B 18:15Pit20 October 1947 24 April 1948Ca. 500-480 B.C. 
P 6:5Pyre14 June 1971Ca. 225 B.C. 
P 6:3Early Roman Pit at P/7-6/4,65 June 1971Early Roman 
U 13:1Well in Room 6 of Street Stoa U/2,U/3-13/1514 June-21 August 1973