Agora Object: Agora XII, no. 207
Chronology:   450-425 B.C.
Deposit:   C 19:8
Published Number:   AV 12.207
References:   Object: P 19431
Ring foot with concave moulding on inner face. Two grooves round lowest part of wall. Double handle with shouldering. Around the bottom of the ribbing, small punched circles and, at the same level beneath the handle, two palmettes. Immediately below the handle, six ovules and a hanging palmette. Reserved: resting surface and underside with circle and dot. Glaze worn and peeled.

The small punched circles are found on P 5252 G 12:21, a foot fragment, on P 23277 O 16:1-2 which has, below the handle, ten ovules, and on New Haven, Yale 474 mentioned with 208.