Corinth Basket: NB861 P121
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   NB861 P121
Area:   Temple E, Southeast
Category:   Deposit
Notebook:   861
Page:   121
Date:   1994/04/08;1994/04/11
Lot:   NB861 P121 P122 P129 B080 B082 B087 Lot 1994-010
    NB861 P121 P122 P123 P128 P129 P133 B080 B081 B082 B086 B087 B091 Lot 1994-010 Lot thrown
    NB861 P121 P123 P129 B080 B082 B088 Lot 1994-010
    NB861 P121 P123 P128 B080 B082 B086
    NB861 P121 P129 B080 B087 Lot 1994-010
    NB861 P121 P122 P129 B080 B081 B087 Lot 1994-010
    NB861 P121 P128 B080 B086 Lot 1994-010
Stratum:   Fill throughout vaulted pit
    Fill throughout vaulted pit; fill over foundationtrench for south wall 15
    Upper and bottom fill in vaulted pit
    Upper and Lower fill in vaulted pit
    Upper and middle fill in pit
    Upper and middle fill in vaulted pit
    Upper fill in vaulted pit
Grid:   82:ZY
Elevation:   086.683 084.961
    086.683 085.937
    086.683 085.471
    086.683 086.172
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   84.96-86.68m.