Corinth Basket: Temple E, Southeast, context 961
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   Temple E, Southeast, context 961
Area:   Temple E, Southeast
Context Type:   skeleton
Title:   Burial under tile in Grave 2016-03
Category:   Deposit
Notebook:   1110
Context:   961
Date:   2016/05/17
Notes:   This is a primary inhumation where in the individual was laid out supine, but seemingly in a space too small for their shoulders. The arms are tighly drawn toward the sternum and bent at the elbow. The angle of the left ulna would have been the left hand relatively near by the right side of the head. A medium size rock is located on the left side of the head and another larger rock is sitting direclty on tope of the right rib cage inferior to ca. the 8th rib. The distal portion of the right humerus has become embedded within the left rib cage. The left rib cage is fairly well preserved as ar the humeri. The shoulders are elevated as well, further indicating that the body was deposited in a space not wide enough for the shoulder to be laid out flat. Alternatively, the individual was in a container causing the shoulders to be restrained in such a way.
In removing the burial, I removed the stone on the right rib cage. Beneath the rock was a large tile fragment that had been visible beneath it. The lower right ribs are not in anatomical poistion but flipped onto their anterior/superior aspects with the inferior aspect facing up and the sternal end pointed toward the midline. Some ribs are nestled with the skull in the rib cage. A right radius is also nestled in the skull with the distal end in the skull and the proximal end near the distal end of the humerus. Another right radius was revealed benath the right humerus. The right humerus was twisted so that the medial epicondyle was facing up toward the sky. The sternal body was diarticulated from the manibrium and was oriented E-W rather than W-E but still close to its anatomical location (But located under the right parietal from the skull under the rock). The left side of the inhumation was well preserved in situ. One iron ring was found over the left shoulder. Another iron ring was found around a phalanx in context 969.
Context 969 was a cleaning pass to remove soil and bones to the north of this inhumation. I believe that Kostos took out the articulated right hand from this soil, directly sitting next to skeleton 961. I separated the hand bones from the other miscellanious bones from 969 and put them with skeleton 961.
The skull fragment sitting among the right ribs was a right parietal. Ribs, vertebrae and a right raidus were at least partly neslted within the fragement. No other fragments from that skull were recovered. Some might have been included in material collected from Grave 2016-04 given the proximity to the burial.
Period:   Frankish (1210-1458 AD)
Chronology:   14th c.
Grid:   125.9-125E, 1074-1074.6N
XMin:   125
XMax:   125.9
YMin:   1074
YMax:   1074.6
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   84.863-85.034m.
References:   Images (11)